Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Department of Communication invites applications for admission to Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Arts (MA) in Communication and Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism for the session 2017-18.
Department of Communication
The Mass Communication Curriculum is based on the internationally-acclaimed UNESCO model. The infrastructure and service facilities include a modern broadcast studio and labs, student exchange programs, internships - all geared to help students make a smooth transition from classrooms to the industry.
Programmes Offered
The programmes offered at Amrita School of Communication are B.A, M.A, PGDJ and PhD Programmes in communication.
B.A. MASS Communication
Mass Communication is the practical applications of journalism (online or print media), television and radio broadcasting, film, public relations, animation and graphic design, advertising
M.A. in Communication
The Master of Arts in Communication program engages in a broad array of courses that range from the development of hands-on skills to the exploration of theory, to a focus on practice and application, and analysis of state-of-art research
This stimulating course which creates professionals with advanced communication skills
PG Diploma in Journalism (P.G.D.J)
The one year Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism (P.G.D.J.) programme at the Amrita School of Communication imparts training to students interested in print journalism who aspire to become journalists in newspapers and magazines
This also provides students an opportunity to make a lateral entry into our M.A. (Communication) programme in the second year, in the print specialization stream
PhD in Communication
The PhD in Communication Studies draws on preeminent research in both the humanities and social sciences traditions. The programme is designed for those intending to pursue a teaching and research career in higher education.
Eligibility Criteria:
For B.A. Mass Communication:
All candidates are required to appear for the CAPTEST conducted by Amrita University. Selection is based on performance in Communication Aptitude Test -
How to Apply:
A demand draft for Rs.500/- made out in favour of “Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham” payable at ‘Coimbatore’ is required.
Please fill in the DD number and the other details in the application form.
The DD should be posted along with a print out of the application form to:
Admissions Coordinator,
Department of Communication,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Amritanagar Post,
Ettimadai, Coimbatore 641 112,
Tamil Nadu, India.
For additional information or queries call: Phone: +91 (0) 422 2685855, 5854 +91 9442562291 or mail us at
Important Dates:
Important dates will be updated soon
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